Monday, November 5, 2012

Rheinsteig - Leutesdorf to Linz via Bad Hönningen

Welcome to the 35th and, somewhat sadly, the final entry in the Letters From Bonn blog. Today is another Rheinsteig stage from Leutesdorf to Linz via Bad Hönningen; a trek of 30+ kilometres according to and, trust me, I was feeling all of those 30k when I finally stumbled into Linz as dusk was beginning to fall.

As ever, the signposting for the trail is marvellous. As I stepped off the train in Leutesdorf there was a yellow Rheinsteig sign (yellow for the ‘feeder’ track to the main trails which are marked in blue). So, within minutes I was climbing the first of three pretty tough rises before lunchtime.
Leutesdorf below with Andernach lurking beneath the fog on the other side of the Rhine; views like this make the climbs well worthwhile!
The view from the first of these rises allows a look to Leutesdorf, then the Rhine with Andernach on the other side of the river. The day was cool and the mists were circling, giving Andernach an almost unearthly perspective.

The first major landmark was to be Ruine Hammerstein but along the way I couldn’t help but notice this amazing contraption.
5 Star Accommodation for the flying insect world
The sign post beside calls it the ‘Insect hotel for wild bees, wasps and bumblebees’ and I couldn’t help but be impressed by the detail and effort the local folks had gone to create this mini hotel.Ruine Hammerstein is a genuine ruin; almost a pile of rocks that bears passing resemblance to the mighty castle it must have once been. Rounding the trail, Hammerstein sits high and proud on a massive rock promontory that allows views for miles up and down river; the perfect strategic location. However, this is more than a ruin. The other castles we have visited have been beautifully restored so as to give an amazing image of what these mighty burgs must have once looked like. But to pay for these renovations, they have been transformed into hostels, hotels and restaurants. This is fine and would be wonderful places to stay but it is difficult to imagine how these castles must have been 500 or more years ago when you spy guests enjoying a sit down meal or students running about or people moving their luggage via modified golf carts.
A recognisable wall at Ruine Hammerstein
This is not a problem for Ruine Hammerstein. For a start, there is a track to the site that is barely wide enough for one person. Walking the track it is easy to imagine being back in the 14th Century, perhaps returning from a patrol or a hunting party? I’m almost waiting to be challenged by a sentry!

As you round the corner, the outer walls come into view and you enter what would have been the original forecourt. Perhaps it was just the day; so cold, drizzly and a little misty. Perhaps it was apparent from the lack of tracks on the trail and in the ruin that I was the first person there today and that I had the entire site to myself. But there was a wonderful eeriness here; a feeling of being observed; not in a malevolent way but there was definitely a ‘vibe’.

It was wonderful! To simply stand in that space, with trees now growing where the square before the keep would have been, was breathtaking. With eyes closed, I could almost hear the sounds of conversations; of orders being given; of the ring of iron on anvil from the smithy; of the rattle of horses’ reins. It was quite spooky but in an amazingly clear and wonderful way. I felt almost transformed back in time. And all of this from a ruin; quite a spectacular way to spend a morning!

The next stop on the walk was Rheinbrohler Ley; a crop of rocks high above the village of Rheinbrohl. The views here again are spectacular as it feels as if Rheinbrohler Ley is hanging over the road and the railway lines below. Looking over the edge, I felt that I was staring directly into the Rhine itself. The pictures speak for themselves.
Looking downstream from Rheinbrohler Ley ...
... and looking upstream from Rheinbrohler Ley

From here the rest of the walk was a collection of farms, forests and villages. All of them beautiful and delightful in their way. There were so few people on the trail today; I probably passed and greeted maybe ten people. So the feeling of solitude was remarkable.
Dairy cows at ease along the heights of the plateau above the Rhine
One thing new I noticed along the trial were crucifxes and shrines that I hadn't seen previously, These shrines were, in various ways, exhorting the hiker to stop, pause, reflect and even give a prayer of thanks. With All Saints Day only last Thursday, some candles remained in place.
As near as I can make out , the carved sign in yellow says 'Stop O Wanderer and remember that wherever you go, the Madonna is with you.
Eventually I found my way to Linz and what a beautiful town it is. The town square is broad and wide; it would have been great to see the market in operation on Saturday; the hustle and bustle would certainly have warmed things up.
The old Gatehouse into Linz; Burg Linz is to the right.
Burg Linz can date itself to the early 1300’s. Now set up as a restaurant and antique stores, it looks great. One of the city gate houses still survives and the nearby buildings all conspire to bring a feeling of great antiquity. Well worth a look, especially (I suspect) on a market day when the place would be jumping.
Market Square in Linz (two photos pasted together)

But the feel of Ruine Hammerstein remains unmatched on any of these day trips; a sublime feeling of being lost in time. Not a bad way to finish these entries.

Monday, October 29, 2012

St. Goar - St.Goarhausen - Kestert

Daylight saving ended in Germany today and it seems it have brought cooler weather with it. With a maximum of 4C forecast today and frost appearing on the roofs of the houses, I made sure to rug up (scarf, gloves and beanie) as I headed out today.
Today is something of a mission. I mentioned in an earlier post that Rheinfels Castle's museum actually sells scribed pages from the 13-17th Centuries but I didn't actually buy one. Today is about remedying that situation and then heading across the Rhine to St. Goarhausen to walk another section of the Rheinsteig trail to Kestert.
Walking to Bonn Hbf this morning reminded me how cold it was and that this is nothing compared to winter in these parts. I'm currently enjoying the warmth of the train and preparing myself for the chill to come.

It’s now 17:30 or so and I'm back on the MRB 32 train to Bonn; so, for me, it's been quite a long day. First things first; success at Rheinfels! I am now the proud owner of a piece of sheet music from 1600, according to its certificate of authenticity. The text is in Latin so I assume this is church choir music (or not?). The music notation is in the old fashioned style; that is, blocks rather than round dots to show the notes. That's how old it is! It is a thing of beauty. I think I just like the idea of being able to look at something that is over 400 years old, any time I feel like it.
It also fills me with intrigue; who wrote this music for us to read all these years later? Could they read music or were they just scribing this for a job? Was the music used for study or was it sung in church or in the castle itself? Given the old style musical notation, can we read and play/sing it today? It is just wonderful.
I was on to the ferry bound for St. Goarhausen by 10:30 and then on the Rheinsteig trail before 11am.
The on-line guides I checked out this morning suggested that the best place to start would be the railway station. As ever, sign posts at the station clearly marked the direction to the Rheinsteig and, for the next five hours l, the blue and white signs of the Rheinsteig guided me with unerring accuracy and confidence, as ever.
The first climb set the tone for the day; steep and long.

Looking back to Rheinfels - the scale of the original buildings is almost unimaginably large
My scarf and beanie were off about 3/4 of the way to the top, the cold forgotten for now. At about this time, the trail split. One way followed the Rheinsteig and the other followed the Rabenacksteig. 500m or so long, the Rabenacksteig carries warnings to take great care and even specialist climbing equipment, if you're a novice climber. This sounded a little tricky for little old me so I followed the Rheinsteig and am I glad I did! Just glimpsing the Rabenacksteig from above, I could see ladders and cables to help climbers, so steep and severe were the rocks and cliffs. Thank you, no!
The reward for climbing steep trails when its only 0 deg C ...
From the top of the trail there were some amazing views of the Rhine valley with the grapevines, now bereft of grapes, leaves yellowing in their autumnal state; the coolness of the day and the yellow leaves reminding us that winter is coming. Maus Burg beckons us on from a distance. The hard climbing is done for a while and we walk along the top of the plateau, enjoying the sunshine.

More views along the valley with Maus Burg just appearing above the ridge on the right
The trails are a delight to walk and the sky is filled with birds of prey circling thermals and, higher still, airliners with their condensation plumes trailing majestically behind.
Maus Burg comes into view and it is with this vista that I decide this might be the place to stop for lunch.

Is this not the perfect place to stop for lunch?
There is a seat and the fleischwurst brotchen from Bonn taste better than usual with this view to contemplate while munching fresh bread rolls.

Heading down the trail provides this wonderful close up of Maus Burg
From here we walk down into the valley below Maus and then up (again, quite steeply) to the top of the next hill.

Now heading up the next valley, a look back to Maus Burg and the village below
I'm heading to Kestert via Pulsbachklamm. The trail to Pulsbachklamm takes in pasture and market gardens across the top of the plateau again. I love that through these fields there are walking trails. Always two people wide, they appear to be wide enough for a small cart but any wheel ruts are long gone, replaced now by the steady tread of walking shoes and boots. But I am guessing that these trails have been here for years, hundreds of them, perhaps. What I find amazing is the respect the walkers have for the trails and the farmers' fields. Rarely are there fences to mark the fields but no-one (as far as I have seen) ever cuts through the fields or even cuts a corner. The trails remain solidly walked on and the fields remain free of trodden crops.
Heading to Pulsbachklamm, we first come on a disused coal mine, or more accurately, a disused coal car. This mine was worked from 1745 to 1961. I assume this was a huge seam of coal or the local mining practices were small enough to meet the locals’ needs. Maybe a little of each as this is an amazingly long time of be working the one mine. Even after 50 years of no mining, the spoil heaps remain in place, one of them spilling down the cliffs creating a landslide effect.

We then make it to der Pulsbachklamm; an amazing valley with sheer rock cliffs . I doubt the pictures can provide adequate feeling for the scale and size of der Pulsbachklamm. The cliffs are sheer and high. The trees are beautiful and, in the distance, you can hear the distant sound of water flowing through the base of the valley. The view is extraordinary and, as I said, just has not been captured by the pictures. Sorry. I guess you'll have to come and have a look yourself!
From here we continue on, following the trail at almost the same height for the next few kilometres. The picture below show some of the beauty of the trail and the trees this time of year.

Walking the Rheinsteig trails is an ongoing discovery filled with delight
I then stumble into Kestert and here begins my first real mistake of the day. I thought I'd read that there was a ferry at Kamp Bornhofen so I thought I would walk along the river, catch the ferry back to Bad Salzig and then the train to Bonn. But there was no ferry and even walking out the other side of Kamp Bornhofen revealed an ongoing lack of ferries anywhere in immediate view. What to do? Simple! Back to Kamp Bornhofen, find the railway station and the next train back to St. Goarhausen. With time to spare it was off to Cafe Nikenig for a pot of coffee and a piece of marzipan cake. With no one to share with, I (not too reluctantly) ate the whole thing with joy and gusto. It was good and just what I needed to get me through the afternoon.
So, back to the ferry and into St. Goar again. With less than two weeks before my sojourn in Bonn ends, how fitting that the 'Melbourne' should pass while I was watching! Fate or karma or whatever you like.
As the sun set, the temperature dropped until it was as cold as a mother-in-law's kiss. But, to cap another amazing day trip, a full moon rose over Katzenburger Castle as the train pulled into St. Goar station. An amazing end to a long, tiring but wonderful day in the Mittelrheine.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bonn R4K Course - 14.7km of Running Pleasure

This is more for the running group back in Australia. I was trying to find a course in Bonn that would match Melbourne’s amazing Run for the Kids course (of about 14.5k). The challenge was to find a comparable distance with a hill comparable to the rise over the Bolte Bridge simultaneously managing to highlight some of the more beautiful aspects of Bonn.
Sounds easy, right?
I have mapped the course using as per the attached image. The blue numbers show the distance in kilometres while the red numbers correspond with the images below. I have tried to pinpoint where I was looking when I took the pictures. Just to provide some perspective.

The first thing was to find a great starting point. Poppelsdorferstrasse, with its wide grass avenue, beautiful border trees and tracks for cycles and runners was an obvious choice. The avenue was the original road between palaces for Clemens August, the Elector of Cologne who resided here in Bonn. He was the Bishop of Cologne as well as being king Charles's brother; so relatively well placed in society. He needed this castle we are looking at now as a residence for his mistresses (to be fair, he had a few but only one at a time) and how this reconciles with his bishopric is anybody's guess.
Of course today, his palace in downtown Bonn is the main University building while the palace we are running toward contains the Department of Zoology and the grounds are now the Botanic Gardens.
Picture 1 - it is a little difficult to see the palace at the end but, trust me, it is there! There are walking and cycle paths on both sides of the lawn.
I have added a picture I took later today, showing how it looks in brilliant sunshine. The sun isn't rising until after 8am and I began the run at 7:30 today and it was just too dark to get a good picture at that time of day.
We run directly to the palace and then left, following the moat with the Gardens now on the other side of the moat.
We track some forgettable roads for a couple of ks until we get to the base of Bonn's Anderson St. Our climb begins here.
Picture 2 - let the steady climb begin!
This is a steady climb that takes us past two hospitals and hopefully there'll be no need to visit either one. The road follows the spur of the ridge so it is as comfortable a climb as the geography allows but it still brings the puffing and panting out before too long!
With about a kilometre until we reach the summit, we take the trail to the left and enjoy the woods above Bonn.
Picture 3 - it really is lovely in the woods above Bonn
This is a popular spot for walking and running and cycling so, no matter what time of day I have traipsed through here, I usually have some company.
This cairn to Kaiser Wilhelm must have some historical significance but to me it means that I am about 500m from levelling off and the hill climb is done.
Picture 4 - Kaiser Wilhelm's monument and level ground is not far away!
There is a lovely serenity here in the woods. The tracks are well made and, now that it is autumn, a blanket of leaves covers the ground making it feel like you're running on a carpet. With the noise of your footfalls smothered by the leaves, you can actually hear the birds waking up and the soft breeze in the trees. Magic!
Once on top of the hill, we need to follow the paths and trails to the next hospital. This section is a little disconcerting as there appears to be no trail running on the inside of the hospital; trust me, there is.

Picture 5 - the track really does continue to the left of the faint image of a fellow runner in blue, trust me!!
The trail runs between the hospital and the edge of hill providing some stunning views of the small villages below. It was here that I was hoping to get a picture just on sunrise.

Picture 6 - Now you begin to see how far above Bonn we have come. Note the Post Tower looming at the left of the picture
I'm writing this on the way to Cologne for some Saturday shopping (the main mission is to buy some new running shoes, believe it or not!) so I hope the picture is at least reminiscent of my mind's image from this morning. Where I took this, a young couple had dragged up a table and all the fixings for a sit down breakfast. They were enjoying a coffee as the sun was coming up; it seems like a lot of effort for breakfast but the views were worth it.
From here, the trick is to keep the hospital wall on out right and the drop to the villages on our left. The interesting part is when we run out of hospital wall. Then a little bit of navigation is required.
First, take the trail to Godesburg which is marked on a stone. About 500m further on, there is another directional stone and this time head toward Friesdorf.
Picture 7 - Directional signs carved into local rocks make for an even more natural feel. This sign (Friesdorf left and Godesburg to the right) is the second one after the hospital wall ends. Running on to Godesburg won't be too much of an issue, apart from making the run 20+k ...
This is your way down the hill.
The trail descends from the wide broad, well made trail to something a little more narrow, then to a path and then to a goat track. And all the while, the trail becomes steeper and steeper. Running becomes a distinct problem; rolling an ankle here would be painful and a long way from help. If discretion is the better part of valour and cowardice is the better part of discretion, then I cowardly walked and hobbled my way downhill as best I could.
Eventually the trail follows the fence line and then fits between two tall wooden fences with a gap of about 1.5m.
Picture 8 - The trail narrows until it's only wide enough for one person, but it does find the street.
This is still the trail and it will find the street, trust me. As you can see from the photo, finding the path from the street may be a little problematic but you're out and back on the road. Turn left and head toward the train line.
Picture 9 - I am glad I found this trail from the top of the hill; it might have been difficult finding this narrow opening (between doorway and brick fence) from the street
It is now a slightly downhill run to the train line and back toward Bonn. The run through the little village of Friesdorf is uneventful but watch for folks heading back from their morning visit to the baker and the paper shop.
The railway line is about 2k down the hill and this is a great place to gather some energy for the run back to Bonn.
Picture 10 - the occasional train makes running this pathway a little more interesting; we are about half way between Bonn and Godesburg, so the trains are pretty much at full speed here and they move very quickly!
One of the tricks is to cross the railway line when you can. There are a series of level crossing along the way and they have a tendency to stay down for seemingly minutes before the train comes along. The downside of crossing the line soon is that you miss seeing the allotments and parks on the Friesdorf side of the line. So it becomes something of a game; how long can I leave it before cutting across the train line.
You do need to cross the line as we have to cut across Adenauralle, run down Tempelstrasse (which as its name suggests contains a synagogue) and down the steps to the river.

Picture 11 - no guesses why I love my standard run along the river; the sun is up now and the pathways along the river are just extraordinarily wonderful. The green spans of Kennedy Bridge are in the distance; we turn left up the steps at the bridge and head back in to Bonn Zentrumm
When I run my standard 8.5k run from the flat, my turn is here at Tempelstrasse on the banks of the river so the next 1.5k back to the Kennedy Bridge is very much familiar territory.
At the bridge, take the steps up and follow Oxfordstrasse back toward the main shopping district in Bonn.
Picture 12 - Welcome to Friedrichstrasse; a nice shopping boulevard; we'll cut left along here, through Market Square and on to Munsterplatz!
Cut through the market square, have a quick look at the Aldt Rathaus but head down now toward the Munster and the main square of Munserplatz.
Picture 13 - We're now just in Remiguisstrasse and the Munster steeple means we're close to the end of the run
Run up to the base of Beethoven's statue and the course is complete.
Picture 14 - Beethoven's statue out side the Postamt greets you with a stern gaze as if asking just how well did you run?
The course should be around 14.7k according to the runningahead website so might be a little longer than the Melbourne course but not by much and probably within the limits of the runningahead accuracy.
Today took almost 90minutes as I wanted to make sure the photos looked good and steady (but a few still look decidely wobbly, sorry). With only two full weekends left, I would really like to have a proper crack and see if I can beat my current best time of 77minutes. If I don't then too bad because it is a lovely run bringing (literally) the highs and lows of Bonn into play. It's a little sad that this next run will probably be the last time, so I better make it a good one!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Oberwesel Walled City and Pfalzgrafenstein Castle

The cities on the MittelRheine keep dragging me back but their features are beyond compare. Oberwesel boasts a castle lurking from the crags above the city; nothing unique here, you say; don’t all of these cities have a castle on the hill? Well you’re right but Oberwesel not only has an obligatory castle and city walls; it has city walls that you can walk on!
Looking back to Oberwesel and Castle Schonburg
But let's start with the castle. Since the castle is at the highest point, I thought it made sense to climb up there first thing. Autumn is upon us so a brisk walk will certainly warm me up!
The castle is called Schönburg, named for the family who created it. Like all of these principalities, fiefdoms or whatever you want to call them, their existence relied on taxes. Specifically, customs and levies they demanded from all river traffic along the Rhine.
Castle Schonburg from the outside ...
Like many of the castles in this region, it clings to the cliffs above the Rhine and looms large. Historically, the castle, its people and lands would suggest how important the liege lord is; so the more grand and expansive the castle, the better.
Nowadays the castle (again like many of its contemporaries) has been converted to hotel or hostel.
... Castle Schonburg from the inside ...

Staying overnight in one of these places would be wonderful, especially if a room overlooking the river could be arranged.
Pay the 3 Euro and have a look around the gatehouse museum; the curator of the small museum in the castle is a walking fount of knowledge. And a good salesman; I bought his history of the castle as well! Talking with the curator, he mentioned that at its peak, 300 people lived in the castle. This created its own problems with intrigue and bickering prevalent. Oddly enough, frequent wars and battles began to thin the ranks out; as each family leader was gloriously slaughtered in battle, the clan declined in size until eventually, all of the Schönburgs were dead by the 17th Century; however the castle itself rolled on to have a significant part to play in the 30 Years War and beyond.
... and the view from the top of Schonburg's gatehouse museum
The other insight he shared with me was that the museum is now on the site of the original gatehouse.The gatehouse had two portcullises; the first one was the standard entrance but the second one was the gate of last resort. Weighing over a tonne, it required only a single blow with an axe or sword to cut the rope and drop the massive gate into position thereby keeping out would be marauders and intruders.
This was done only once in around 1250 or so when the castle was brand new. The problem was, once it was dropped, they couldn't lift it again! Eventually they had to cut the gate into pieces and remove it that way. You only get to find out this sort of thing if you're lucky to find a garrulous curator. The museum is a treat (try the interactive catapult and see if you can destroy the castle!!) and the view from the very top of the tower is worth the admission price on its own.
Let’s now move down to the city and check out these old city walls. For a village or a town to be a genuine, fully fledged city, it required walls. So many of the cities I have visited still have remnants of their walls; given their massive size, this is not a huge surprise but the walls have decayed over the years. A combination of natural erosion and collapses combined with locals helping themselves to handy sized stones and bricks for their own homes tends to reduce the walls more often than not.
So seeing city walls is not that big a deal but being able to walk on top of them is geekily exciting for me. There is something hypnotically historic about this experience. Knowing that these walls have been here for hundreds of years allows you to imagine what they have seen; imagine the guards who once patrolled the walls; imagine the city inhabitants and how their lives have changed over those years. 'If these walls could talk ...' sounds a little trite but it feels most apt as I stroll along the parapets today.

Of course, the walls connect defensive towers and many of these also remain in place. Some seem to be in complete disrepair but others are sturdy enough to climb and take in the views down the Rhine and behind up to the hills and valleys beyond.

Oberwesel allows you to walk the length of the walls along the Rhine but you can only walk beside them for the rest of the journey. But there are still outcrops along the way that allow you to climb up and see the vistas over the city. UNESCO certification seems to bring a requirement to maintain and repair the walls; scaffolding around various sections indicates that repairs are underway as we speak. It may take years but the thought of a genuine restoration of the walls appeals to me. The walls would have always been in a state of flux since first constructed. This would be simply be the latest repair job but how marvellous to return one day and see Oberwesel enclosed as it was 500 or so years ago!
A little reluctantly, I took my leave of Oberwesel and headed back up toward the castle but turned left instead of right to follow the castle trail upstream to catch sight of Pfalzgrafenstein Castle. Built on an island in the middle of the Rhine near the village of Kaub, Pfalzgrafenstein looks astonishing sitting in the centre of the river. Even more so today as the river seems to be flowing quite quickly and high, so the island seems barely big enough to hold the castle.
By climbing the hill and following the castle trail I ensure two things; firstly I get some fantastic views from the heights of the hills over the Rhine but secondly I effectively double the distance of the walk. The trail has to cling to the edges of the hills and valleys so it weaves and wanders where the land will allow. By the time I arrive above the castle, I have walked 7.5km from Oberwesel. When I follow the direct river path back to Oberwesel (and my train home to Bonn) GoogleMaps tells me that is only 3km.
Like the customs soldiers for whom Pfalzgrafenstein was built, the only way across to the castle is via ferry. Fortunately, I don't have to row and the ferry is covered as the rain begins to fall.
From outside, the castle appears to be a single building.
Pfalzgrafenstein from the small ferry that runs out from Kaub
It is only when you get inside that you realize the tall, central tower is separate from the curtain wall. The tower was the first building; the curtain wall with its enclosed rooms was built later leaving a small courtyard between gateway and tower.
Interior of Pfalzgrafenstein showing the open courtyard and the only ground floor doorway between the two pikes
The tower is pentagonal in shape with the point of the pentagon aimed up river. The curtain wall follows a similar design, giving the building a boat shaped look. The shapes were selected to help deflect errant ships as well as ice from smashing directly into and damaging the structure. Again, with only four of us wandering around today, you can get a feel for how it must have been for the customs soldiers in the day. It would have been very isolated and dreadfully cold in the winter; its only October and it was cold enough today! A fireplace was one form of warmth for the soldiers and the building of a bread oven would have provided both warmth and fresh bread. So their pleasures were some heat and fresh bread; a Spartan existence indeed!
The joy of today was the tranquility. With the cooling weather, visitors are struggling to get out and about so there was time and space just to slow down and consider and contemplate. Think about the castle and the multitudes who called it home and their adversaries who tried to knock it down; the city walls and their history; Pfalzgrafenstein and its cold confines making life tough for its inhabitants.
Sitting on a warm train speeding back to Bonn provides an almost surreal backdrop to the places I was lucky enough to see today.

A map of the walls of Oberwesel; the green line shows where you can walk while the red shows where the walls remain

All of this is less than 90 minutes from Bonn and I'm just loving being able to get out and see and experience these wonderful places.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Rotweinwanderweg (Red Wine Trail) - Altenahr to Ahrweiler Markt

What an amazing hike! Folks at work had told me this was a 'must-do' and they were right. With autumn now upon us, it won't be long until it will be simply too cold to get out and do these sorts of walks.
But today was marvellous ... eventually! The morning was quite cool (about 3 degrees C) and misty but it was almost as if the sun decided on having one last surge of warmth before autumn really kicks in. It broke through the clouds, burnt off the mist and it was actually warm on some sections of the track; perfect weather for hiking. So loaded up with a couple of salad rolls from Bonn, I climbed aboard the RB30 train and headed to Altenahr. A little research on the Web showed that Altenahr is the start if the Rotweinwanderweg (Red Wine Trail). I found it a little difficult to get a lot of info on the trail but was encouraged by what I found.

This sign is a little more exotic than the standard Rotweinwanderweg notices but this one marks the formal start of the trail in Altenahr

For all you budding hikers don't be worried! Simply get off the train in Altenahr, walk to the left hand side of the station and there you will see the first of many Rotweinwanderweg (Red Wine Trail) signs. They are simply everywhere along the trail so there are no real navigation issues to worry about. Follow the signs and they will guide you to your destination.
The other thing you can't fail to miss as you head up the main street of Altenahr is the ruined 13th Century castle that dominates the main hill at the end of town. The trail takes you on a circuitous route to the castle but it does eventually get you there.

The route may be a little circuitous but with paths like this, it is difficult to complain!

Alternately, you can climb straight to the castle and then head off to the trail. But in either case, you must check out the castle! What remains only hints at the scale of the complex it must have been. Remnants of the chapel are still in place and the views from the summit back down the valley are stunning. This was still early in the morning and the sun hadn't poked through the clouds yet. As such, the mists were swirling in the valley and providing an eerie backdrop to the town below.

The village of Altenahr lies in the valley below the ruins of Burg Ahr, dominating the rocky tor at the left of the picture
The castle began its life in 1244 but had a series of renovations through until the 1400's. The ruins suggest immense power and control over the valley and its inhabitants. A continuous and imposing edifice, reminding the locals just who really was boss!
Back on the trail and we head off toward Mayschoss.
Mayschoss appears through the edges of the forest on the Rotweinwanderweg
Although it is called the Rotweinwanderweg (Red Wine Trail), there are no signs of grapes so far; instead we are in forest. As I said earlier, autumn is upon us and the trees are beginning their transition from green to golden yellows and russet reds. But the foliage is still heavy enough to shield the village below. But I know it is there as the Sunday morning church bells peal their entreaty to the Mayschoss locals; reminding them that the sermon will begin in 10 or so minutes.
The village then peeks through and the vines begin to reveal themselves. For the rest of the trail, it is grape vines that dominate the terrain.
The trail is lovely in that it winds itself around the hills, about one half to town thirds up the side of the hill. This provides a wonderful view of the local villages, the river and the railway line but comes at a physical price. You're rarely walking on level ground; it's either up or down so the walk can be heavy going.
As I'm about to leave the Mayschoss valley, the church bells have stopped but a brass band is now wailing away, providing an enthusiastic rendition of 'Bill Bailey Won't You Please Come Home' with just enough tuba to give it a real ‘oom-pah band’ feel. I can't see the band but the acoustics of the valley deliver the song as clear as the church bells earlier.
The other neat part of a wine trail is that I must have passed seven or so wine vendors along the trail. Actually, to be fair and accurate, I stopped at three of them and passed the other four!
Local wineries set up tents like these all along the Rotweinwanderweg; a wonderful break from walking and a more robust form of rehydration than just water!

I tried a non-alcoholic sparkling red which was nice and refreshing, having just come up a serious ascent along the trail. The other two red wines I had were sweet but good; really hitting the spot after a little exercise. 100ml samples seem to go for between 1.5 and 2 Euro.
The trail is a delight. Each corner provides a new vista over a different village. Grapes were still being picked even today and I got to see some of the machinery used to haul the tubs of grapes up to the trails. It seems that the grapes themselves are still cut by hand so there's no getting around the difficulty of negotiating the steep slopes that dominate the terrain but at least they're able to drag the tubs up mechanically.
Here's a look over Dernau; note the leaves on the trees along the road near the left of the photo; the colours don't really cut through in the photo but I can assure you that autumn is now 'on' in the Ahr valley
I made it as far as Ahrweiler (the subject of an earlier blog) and headed down and caught the train back to Bonn. The little guide I downloaded suggests that I covered about 20km of the total 35km for the Rotweinwanderweg (Red Wine Trail).
This is not an easy walk. As the photos suggest, there is plenty of undulation on the journey. Apart from a few sections where the trail narrows to single file, it is invariably wide and paved about half of the time. There are no stairs but there are also few sections where it is flat. You're usually going up or down! But these views are sensational.
The other neat part is that you follow the Ahr river which the railway also follows. Walk until you get tired and then simply catch the train back to your car or (like me) back to Bonn.
One of the great day walks I have done; enjoy the views, the history and, of course, the wine!